Language change in Indonesian
Language is a systematic tool for every sophisticated living being to consciously communicate with their interlocutors. Language, not only comprised in written or spoken forms, but can also be recognized in muscle movements, facial expressions, or even silence. During the progression of mankind, language undergoes ages of adaptations, alterations, modernizations, and so forth, creating an unending series of changes.
Indonesian Language Changes
Indonesia is one of the most diverse countries in terms of language. Consisting of 279.390.258 inhabitants by survey in 2024, with 715 different traditional languages. Many Indonesian words were adapted from both foreign and traditional words. It occurs also due to differences in Indonesia's regional dialects, and along the fact, that colonialism had brought significant influence in the language, resulting in numerous types of changes.
Spelling Change
There are numerous variety of Indonesian language spelling guidelines that set the standard for correct spelling. The most popular that are still in use today would be "PUEBI" (Pedoman Umum Ejaan Bahasa Indonesia). PUEBI was made official in 2015, replacing the former "EYD" (Ejaan yang Disempurnakan) that was made official in 1972-2015. The list goes on until the first spelling guideline from prof. Charles van Ophuijsen in 1901.