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Revision as of 02:38, 28 May 2024 by MZnursardi (talk | contribs) (Added suggestions for Avizzardhy)
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Hi Allya! I have some suggestions:

  • For the first sentence in Definisi, I think you can start with "Dalam linguistik, leksem adalah unit dasar..." because the next sentence will mention "unit leksikal, item leksikal, atau kata leksikal" as well. So it won't be repeated.
  • For the following sentence, I think you can remove the first "yang" because it is more effective. "Menurut KBBI, leksem adalah satuan leksikal dasar abstrak yang mendasari pelbagai bentuk kata". --MZnursardi (talk) 02:38, 28 May 2024 (UTC)