Parallel morphology
Parallel morphology is theory proposed in Borer (1988) within the GB-framework. In this theory the morphological module or component has access to (a) the lexicon, (b) the output of phonology, and (c) syntax proper. On the basis of the difference in Hebrew between compounds and compound-type construct state nominals (constructions which have a character intermediate between syntactically formed phrases and words proper), Borer argues that the former are generated in a morphological component, while the latter are formed in the syntax. The word-like properties of construct state nominals are due to the morphological principle of percolation that can apply to constructions which are formed in syntax (= the mapping between D-structure and S-structure)
Utrecht Lexicon of Linguistics
- Borer, H. 1988. On the Parallelism between Compounds and Constructs, Yearbook Morphology 1, pp. 45-66
- Shibatani, K. & T. Kageyana 1988. Word Formation in a Modular Theory of Grammar: Postsyntactic Compounds in Japanese, Language 64, pp. 451-483
- Spencer, A. 1991. Morphological Theory, Blackwell, Oxford.